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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Bulgarian (?) 1, origin: Bulgaria ?, notes: the 'turn' symbol is a trill

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Salt Fish & Dumplins

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Marias Frolic

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Tradicional: Danza de La Noche de San Xuan, area: Asturies, source: Música Tradicional Asturiana, (C) Tello & Tito. Asturies, 2001.

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Dougie MacDonald: A Miner, origin: 20th century Cape Breton, discography: A Miner, notes: Bookings,Mechanicals etc. ..... Dougie MacDonald More tunes and information

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Trad: Collier's, source: The First Month of Spring, John Vesey and Paul Brady

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Cronin's Hornpipe, source: Keenan and Glackin

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Frieze Britches, The

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Boys of Malin, The, source: Ciaran Tourish & Dermot McLaughlin on Fiddlesticks, Nimbus 5320, notes: transcribed by Alan Ng

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0.80567597765363 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0027932960893855 * (1-0.4) [F] Tin-Ware Lass Reel

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