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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > Improve the contributions relevance and efficiency
Total Posts: 4 - Pages (1): [1]
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jan 15 2009 - 06:00 PM
Subject: re: re: Improve the contributions relevance and efficiency
Yes, sounds like a good idea. I should add a link to the search results so that people can add their query to a list of "open problems".
Author: gilllloux
Posted: Jan 15 2009 - 05:06 PM
Subject: re: Improve the contributions relevance and efficiency
Note that I've just discovered this search engine today, and I do not know very well all its features.

What I suggest is that, as a user, when I can't find what I'm searching for, I can add my query to the "unsuccessfull queries" list.

As a contributor, I can access this list. If I recognize what song it is, I can add it to the database. It can automatically send an e-mail to the user, asking if it was the song he was searching, and remove the query from the list.

Sorry for my english.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jan 15 2009 - 03:57 PM
Subject: re: Improve the contributions relevance and efficiency

what would you suggest? Right now, it is not known which searches were successful and which ones weren't (although one can guess if one looks at the queries - if a search was unsuccessful, it is more likely to be repeated with slight changes).

I see these possibilities:

1. Add user feedback: something like "I found what I was looking for on Position X (or on Page Y)/I did not find what I was looking for". Might be interesting for improving the search engine and for making additions to the collection more efficient, but also slightly annoying for the user. With this information, one could present just the search queries that were not successful.
2. No user feedback - simply show the last 100 or so search queries (with the option to see more). Someone who is willing to contribute relevant content might be able to spot what is missing already with that information.

What do you think?
Author: gilllloux
Posted: Jan 15 2009 - 03:27 PM
Subject: Improve the contributions relevance and efficiency

I think to make the contribution process more efficient, contributors should access the list of requests without success sended by other users. Thus, when a user doesn't find what he searches, it will be more likely that the database is updated quickly.
Total Posts: 4 - Pages (1): [1]
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