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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > music contour search via SOAP returns no hits
Total Posts: 4 - Pages (1): [1]
Author: deathfireburn
Posted: Sep 03 2010 - 01:33 PM
Subject: re: re: re: music contour search via SOAP returns no hits
Thank you Rainer for your quick response!
with help of your script I found my error to be the lack of the last parameter("cts") - confusingly the rythm search returned matches anyway.
Now the query result seems convincing and I can continue working. Will keep you informed when the app is done.

Greetings, -dfb
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Sep 02 2010 - 08:04 PM
Subject: re: re: music contour search via SOAP returns no hits
rt wrote:
Cool! Please let me know when the app is done, and where to find it!

Search should work, nothing has changed lately. I am going to test it, and also to post a sample client script. Apparently, this has been missing so far...

Here's the promised sample client:

$client = new SoapClient('');
  $q1 = "Musipedia"; $q2 = " RURURDDRDRD "; $q3 = ""; $pitch = ""; $rhythm = ""; $maxentries = 100; $offs = 0; $cts = "CP";
  $result = $client->search('MY_USERID', md5("MY_PASSWORD$q1$q2$q3"), $q1, $q2, $q3, $pitch, $rhythm, $maxentries, $offs, $cts);

This searches the Classical and Popular categories ($cts = "CP") for the given contour. If you don't want a category restriction, pass an empty string instead.

The space characters you see around the contour above are a artifact from this forum.

Important: MY_USERID and MY_PASSWORD should be your Musipedia user ID and password.

Before trying something complex with Android, could you maybe check if this client works for you? (with your own user id and password, of course).


user picture Author: rt
Posted: Sep 02 2010 - 07:46 PM
Subject: re: music contour search via SOAP returns no hits
Cool! Please let me know when the app is done, and where to find it!

Search should work, nothing has changed lately. I am going to test it, and also to post a sample client script. Apparently, this has been missing so far...
Author: deathfireburn
Posted: Sep 02 2010 - 06:41 PM
Subject: music contour search via SOAP returns no hits
I'm currently writing an android app for searching the musipedia database (for starters, parsons code only).
Unfortunately, I get an empty result when searching for music contours as specified in the wsdl document, even when using the parson code sample specified in the very document.
Search by rythm produces viable results, however.

Has the query format for parsons code on musipedia changed from the wsdl document (
Is parsons code currently supported via SOAP?

Best regards, dfb
Total Posts: 4 - Pages (1): [1]
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