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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > Guinea pigs needed for new input method
Total Posts: 15 - Pages (2): 1 [2]
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 08:41 PM
Subject: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
Thanks! Yes, the sound after dragging seems useful. I have added it.

Of course, some grid would be nice too. I haven't added it yet because I am not sure what the best method would be. The query area is a bunch of table cells; once you drag one of them somewhere else, it changes color and is thereby turned into a note. If I would use the same cells for marking the grid, the grid would lose its integrity once one moves cells around.

Maybe I need to add another kind of cell - with height 1 or width 1 - to mark the grid.

- Rainer

Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 07:54 PM
Subject: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
I like this idea because it helps people who do not master musical notation - just like the original Parsons Code did.

Perhaps several horizontal lines (to help the vertical positioning) and a couple of vertical lines (to assist with the rhythm) would help. And would it be possible at all to let the notes sound if you change the height of the blue bars? That would help enormously.

The blue bars could be blue squares. After all, they only indicate the beginning of the note, not its duration. This is reflected in the picture that you get after clicking "Search Musipedia".

But even as it is now it is a valuable tool!
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 04:32 PM
Subject: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
hmm - are you able to produce blue bars (notes)?
does "play" work on the main page (keyboard entry)? It should hopefully either work on both pages or not work on either page.
Author: w0lfie
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 04:25 PM
Subject: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
I can't get the play button to work
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 12:04 AM
Subject: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
The main problem with "query by humming" seems to be that the applet usually fails to recognize the notes correctly.
A minor problem is that not everybody likes to sing, especially if other people are listening, and that not all computers are equipped with a microphone and Java.

I am trying to address this as follows:

On this new page, one can simply drag the mouse in an input area to create new notes. Their position encodes pitch and onset time. A "Play" button makes it possible to listen to the query - and possibly correct it - before sending it to the server.

Please try it and give me feedback!


Total Posts: 15 - Pages (2): 1 [2]
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For example, you can try what happens if you enter: [l]g'4 g'4 d''4 d''4 e''4 e''4 d''2[/l] (use the Preview function if you don't actually want to post this).
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