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Special forum features: inserting music notation, posting audio recordings.

All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
Total Posts: 11 - Pages (2): [1] 2
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 09:50 PM
Subject: re: re: re: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
actually, all you need to actually make them immediately visible, is to take advantage of the link under which you shared the image with the world. In my example, after I attached the jpeg file "econ.jpg" to the previous post, the forum created the link (you see it when you hover over the attachment "econ.jpg").
Now that I know that, all I need to do is to write this link between the img tags:
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 09:45 PM
Subject: re: re: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
testing attaching an image...

OK, now it works. I changed the settings a bit to allow posting bitmaps. They might not be immediately visible, but at least you can share them with the world.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 09:34 PM
Subject: re: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
gomeron wrote:

I here tried to insert the graphic representation I obtained (as a Bitmap image, that I stored on my computer), but it did not work, as I can see in the preview. Is there a method to transfer a file (or a melody as a ".wav" or ".mp3" file) directly, perhaps by FTP, and if so, what is the server address?
Perhaps someone can help me finding the name of the song.
Thanks, for at least reading this.
Greetings - Ernst
img http://file/D:\Daten\Daten-Ernst\Doofes\UnknownTune.bmp

sorry - I never answered your second question. Your picture does not show because you used a local address - only you can access D:\Daten\Daten-Ernst\Doofes\UnknownTune.bmp. To include it using the img tag, you'd need to put it somewhere publicly accessible.

What happens if you simply attach the file to a post (using the "Attachment" field)?
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 01:46 PM
Subject: re: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
gomeron wrote:
I recorded a melody playing on the harmonica instead of whistling. It now appears that I cannot reproduce it by hitting the "play" button to the right of the melody image (above the "search" button).

what happens if you do that? It seems to work for me. You can see it here:

Expected behaviour:
1. notes should be recognized and shown as bars.
2. If you hit Play, they should be played with the same sound effect that is also used by the Javascript keyboard (Glockenspiel), and one note after the other should be highlighted with red color.

With that magic hash code, you can also download the file as MP3 or WAV:

The unique hash code for your query is shown after recording something.

Thanks for using an instrument that I don't have at home! Nice to see that this one works, too!
Author: gomeron
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 01:39 PM
Subject: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
I recorded a melody playing on the harmonica instead of whistling. It now appears that I cannot reproduce it by hitting the "play" button to the right of the melody image (above the "search" button). On the other hand, clicking the "play" button to the right of the "record" button does reproduce the melody correctly.
Alright, I'll try again:

Perhaps it works that way.
Regards - Ernst
NB: Eureka! It worked.
Author: gomeron
Posted: Aug 01 2009 - 01:31 PM
Subject: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
I recorded a melody playing on the harmonica instead of whistling. It now appears that I cannot reproduce it by hitting the "play" button to the right of the melody image (above the "search" button). On the other hand, clicking the "play" button to the right of the "record" button does reproduce the melody correctly.
I here tried to insert the graphic representation I obtained (as a Bitmap image, that I stored on my computer), but it did not work, as I can see in the preview. Is there a method to transfer a file (or a melody as a ".wav" or ".mp3" file) directly, perhaps by FTP, and if so, what is the server address?
Perhaps someone can help me finding the name of the song.
Thanks, for at least reading this.
Greetings - Ernst
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Mar 18 2009 - 05:08 PM
Subject: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
First step: Posting the audio version of a query can be done as follows:
- record something at
- if you sang audibly, a message will appear including a funny hash code, for example like this: 2992c6cae5c088354a5f30135408368b
- paste this hash code, between the new "audio" tag in square brackets, into this forum.

I hope that eventually I will also do a second step and make it possible to post the recognized notes. But with this possibility, at least the Musipedia users are able to sing to each other or whistle at each other.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Feb 10 2009 - 08:03 PM
Subject: re: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
OK, I'll add that. But it might take 2 weeks - I am not at home right now.
Author: vzky
Posted: Feb 10 2009 - 07:30 PM
Subject: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
I'd just prefer to instantly be able to get the notes after using the mic. I can't get that exact melody using the piano or any other music search.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Feb 09 2009 - 07:57 AM
Subject: re: copy-and-paste score and Microphone?
I was planning to simply make it possible to paste a little flash player for the audio recording of a search query in the forum, but this is worth considering too, of course.

For implementing a note display with Lilypond, I'd have to quantize. Right now, the notes that are extracted from audio are extracted with whatever pitch there is, it can be something odd like 298.2983 Hz. It is not rounded in order to avoid accidentally rounding two different pitches to the same note although they were meant to be different. Also, the time is currently not quantized.

What would you prefer using - simply an audio player for your recorded query, a Lilypond note display similar to the existing one, or the pianoroll notation that is shown after extracting notes from audio (which in its current form also involves quantization, at least for the pitch)?
Total Posts: 11 - Pages (2): [1] 2
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How to insert music:

Add a bit of sheet music, along with a MIDI file, simply by entering note names in Lilypond syntax between the [L] and [/L] tags.
For example, you can try what happens if you enter: [l]g'4 g'4 d''4 d''4 e''4 e''4 d''2[/l] (use the Preview function if you don't actually want to post this).
You can create these lists of note names by clicking on piano keys here.

How to post an audio recording:

If you just want to sing, whistle, or play a melody so that other forum visitors can hear it, follow these steps:

  1. Record your audio here.
  2. You should notice a 32-character hash code, something like: 2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf
  3. copy this hash code and paste it into a forum post, enclosed in the audio tags, for example: [audio]2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf[/audio]

How to mark a thread as solved:

If the original question in a thread is solved, please mark it as solved using the "solved" icon (or by just typing [solved] into your post). This makes life easier for people who are willing to identify melodies, since unsolved problems are easier to spot that way. If a problem turns out to not be solved after all, just write [/solved] in a new post, and the thread will be labeled accordingly.

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