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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > Guinea pigs needed for new input method
Total Posts: 15 - Pages (2): [1] 2
Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 21 2007 - 12:57 AM
Subject: re: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
rt wrote:
Another open problem is the fact that I don't get IE 7 to give me correct current coordinates of items. [...] This makes it really hard to determine whether a note has landed in the trash... any ideas, anyone?

Trash IE... ;-)

(Seriously: I use Javascript to introduce students to computer programming, and often IE is not doing what is meant, whereas other browsers do...)
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 21 2007 - 12:12 AM
Subject: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
There seems to be some hope for selectability and draggability at the same time - it has been done successfully here (with jQuery):
I will have to make sure, though, that only notes that have been dragged into existence are selectable.

Another open problem is the fact that I don't get IE 7 to give me correct current coordinates of items. IE just tells me that every item, including all table cells and the trash can, is in the same spot, which is obviously not true. This makes it really hard to determine whether a note has landed in the trash... any ideas, anyone?

Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 19 2007 - 10:40 PM
Subject: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
rt wrote:
oh, really? Then I don't need any Safari remark?
I just heard from one user that with Safari, the dragging did not work.

It works fine with Safari (3.0.4) on my Mac (OS X 10.4.11).
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 19 2007 - 10:12 PM
Subject: re: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
ivo wrote:

The new method works equally well with both Safari and FireFox on Mac, by the way (but perhaps you knew already).

oh, really? Then I don't need any Safari remark?
I just heard from one user that with Safari, the dragging did not work.
Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 19 2007 - 09:58 PM
Subject: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
rt wrote:
I just tried the current grid in IE7. Looks quite bad once one creates a note - I guess I have to simply make the grid a background image.

I very much like the remark about FireFox that appears if you use IE. :-)
The new method works equally well with both Safari and FireFox on Mac, by the way (but perhaps you knew already).
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 19 2007 - 12:39 AM
Subject: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
I just tried the current grid in IE7. Looks quite bad once one creates a note - I guess I have to simply make the grid a background image.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 11:20 PM
Subject: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
Thanks for your excellent ideas!
Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 10:11 PM
Subject: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
I see, Rainer - thanks anyway!
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 10:04 PM
Subject: re: re: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
I picked jQuery as a basis because it offers the possibility to make things draggable and selectable. Unfortunately, it turns out that selectability breaks draggability. Maybe with some later release of jQuery, it will be possible to make the cells (notes) both selectable and draggable, and hopefully even draggable as a group. That should solve this problem.

A checkbox that would activate a function like "translate all later notes accordingly" might be a possibility - but I think that would only be the second-best solution compared to the usual highlighting of a group of objects and then dragging the group. Maybe I'll implement it if the jQuery people make it clear that grouping and dragging is not a planned feature.

Author: ivo
Posted: Nov 18 2007 - 09:15 PM
Subject: re: re: re: Guinea pigs needed for new input method
rt wrote:
Thanks! Yes, the sound after dragging seems useful. I have added it.

Thanks! And at the usual lightning-fast speed! :-)

Another thought:
During playback you often hear that a note should be longer or shorter. But changing the positions of all the notes that follow it is cumbersome. It would be very helpful if you could click a note and then click "shorter" or "longer", thereby moving all the following squares horizontally. Or something like that...
Total Posts: 15 - Pages (2): [1] 2
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