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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
Total Posts: 7 - Pages (1): [1]
Author: mu913472
Posted: Aug 23 2013 - 06:09 AM
Subject: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
This is still happening! If I wasn't a very technical user I would have simply walked away unable to contribute.

Here are the steps:
- load an entry such as the sandbox
- click "edit"
- make sure there's a quote in a note
- click "preview"

And you should get the error!

The URL of the popup is:,4cg%27%27gaag2Mor-genk%C3%B6mmtderWeih-nachts-mannf4feed2cindieSchu-hub-laaa-d%C3%B6.&key2=\major&key1=c&time1=4&time2=4&pns=Y&minv=N&instr=N&upbeat=

Surely this is a server-side problem?
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jul 28 2010 - 02:48 PM
Subject: re: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
pianoman74 wrote:
I think not. For if I use the simple interface, I'm unable to enter any melodies at all because of that bug!
As the other user said, yes I have to work around the bug by using an external editor. There is no other way - not currently.

I still can't reproduce it. It would really help if you could give me the concrete steps you take for a concrete example so I can see the problem too.

My concrete example for which it works is the "Sandbox" entry: I edited it, inserted an apostrophe to make the g and subsequent notes an octave higher, saved it, and there was no problem with escaping.


Author: pianoman74
Posted: Jul 28 2010 - 03:12 AM
Subject: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
I think not. For if I use the simple interface, I'm unable to enter any melodies at all because of that bug!
As the other user said, yes I have to work around the bug by using an external editor. There is no other way - not currently.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jul 25 2010 - 09:31 PM
Subject: re: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
btw, no, I don't think it has anything to do with MySQL... it's about passing the Lilypond code from JavaScript to a PHP script. Assuming, of course, that you are talking about the preview functionality.
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jul 25 2010 - 09:27 PM
Subject: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
pianoman74 wrote:

It's definitely the \ character that must not be there.
I know mysql (which you apparently use ;)) does have huge problems with single quotes from its birth.
I guess that's why you auto-insert the \'s.

Error report:

Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected \C[haracter]

Hi Pianoman74,

thanks for pointing this out. I am aware of a problem like this popping up once in a while, but only for the preview. I have fixed this back and forth a couple of times - apparently, JavaScript and PHP and various urlencode and urldecode functions don't always work the same way everywhere (in this case: the JavaScript in your browser urlencodes special characters in one way, and PHP on the server urldecodes them in some other way). To steer this discussion in the right direction, may I ask: Am I assuming correctly that you are talking about the preview functionality? That is, this problem never occurs when you save the record, but only when you hit the preview button?


Author: firebat
Posted: Jul 25 2010 - 08:35 PM
Subject: re: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
I'm having the same problem with the escape character. Someone please fix this. Meanwhile, I guess you could copy & paste the Lilypond source into the text editor as a work around.
Author: pianoman74
Posted: Jul 14 2010 - 12:24 PM
Subject: Bug report: Do not auto-insert escape characters for Lilypond
Hi there,

funny, hardly arrived on here and my first post is a bug report :)
I'm on Firefox.

In the simplified Lilypond interface, I encountered a problem I'm unable to solve from my humble user's side:

Assuming, you're entering:

f8 gis'8

The ' is for one octave up, obviously.
Your parser will create:

\override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #(vector #t #t #f)
f8 gis\'8

and break the whole caboodle!
It's definitely the \ character that must not be there.
I know mysql (which you apparently use ;)) does have huge problems with single quotes from its birth.
I guess that's why you auto-insert the \'s.

Error report:

Processing `'
Parsing... error: syntax error, unexpected \C[haracter]
Total Posts: 7 - Pages (1): [1]
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