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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > improving Search by Medodic Contour
Total Posts: 2 - Pages (1): [1]
user picture Author: rt
Posted: May 22 2016 - 06:16 PM
Subject: re: improving Search by Medodic Contour
Hi Uri,
that sounds like a nice feature! I would be happy to incorporate it into the search.

Right now, the matching of contours (Parsons codes) is done starting from the beginning of a theme in the database and the beginning of a query you enter. That is, the search engine does not consider arbitrarily long shifts of a query against the entry in the database.
As a result, if you omit one note at the beginning, the search might still succeed because of how the editing distance works, but if you omit or add more than one note, you are unlikely to find anything.

Author: durior
Posted: May 22 2016 - 04:11 PM
Subject: improving Search by Medodic Contour
I love using Search by Melodic Contour, and use it a lot. For me, it's the quickest and easiest way to search.
It occurred to me that it would be easier to search by contour if you could just "play away" on the keyboard, and have the site extract U/D/R symbols and search by contour.
For example, the beginning of Beethoven's fifth could be "rrrweeeq" on a regular qwerty keyboard. It could be played in many more ways, but all could be converted by code to " rrdurrd ".
I even wrote some code to do that, and would be glad to contribute it.
It seems to me, though, that search by contour only uses a short prefix of the U/D/R string I provide - I searched using a long sequence of notes (Bach Goldberg Variations Aria), and got more than 11K results, and the Aria didn't even rank high.
Could you provide details on how contour search works?

Thanks, Uri
Total Posts: 2 - Pages (1): [1]
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