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All Categories > Musipedia > Musipedia Features > I think that the system is broken
Total Posts: 5 - Pages (1): [1]
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Jan 22 2012 - 06:00 PM
Subject: re: re: I think that the system is broken
hattonhall wrote:
The site will not accept my photo in any size format I reduce it too. I know I am not George Clooney, but hey, I have got some other features that even a minority of others find somewhat entrancing, enticing and bewitching !

So.....Mr or Ms Administrator........what gives ?

Thanks, that was a useful error description, and I was able to fix this bug.
user picture Author: hattonhall
Posted: Jan 21 2012 - 05:37 AM
Subject: re: I think that the system is broken
The site will not accept my photo in any size format I reduce it too. I know I am not George Clooney, but hey, I have got some other features that even a minority of others find somewhat entrancing, enticing and bewitching !

So.....Mr or Ms Administrator........what gives ?
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Nov 19 2011 - 05:30 PM
Subject: re: I think that the system is broken

I tried to see what you mean but failed. About the Stevie Wonder melody: unfortunately, the Flash piano (which was written by an external developer) does not allow me to paste your query, so I can't try that. Could you maybe write the melody in the Lilypond syntax, for instance by clicking on notes here: ?
I searched for another melody. The search results seemed fine, and when I pressed on the contour search link, the contour did not appear distorted, so unfortunately I cannot reproduce this problem easily.
If you were able to find a melody in the past but not now, one possible explanation is that you searched one of the two collections in the past but now the other one (there is a "Musipedia" collection and a "web MIDI file" collection, and you can choose which one should be searched).

The second bug report "site itself feels dysfunct and returns questionable results" is a tad too vague for me to investigate. What did you enter that produced questionable results? What is dysfunctional?
Author: lano_isseforp
Posted: Nov 17 2011 - 03:26 AM
Subject: re: I think that the system is broken
i have this impression, too. AND the site itself feels dysfunct and returns questionable results.
Author: marraco
Posted: Jul 23 2011 - 08:24 AM
Subject: I think that the system is broken
The system is broken. It stopped recognizing this Stevie Wonder melodie:

c1-625 e1-936 f1-279 f1-1324 c1-541 e1-886 f1-329 f1-1127 c1-658 e1-838 f1-353 f1-603 e1-415 f1-431 g1-415 a1-471 g1-430 f1-431 e1-523 d1

It was recognized in the past. When I press by contour, the contour appear distorted.
Total Posts: 5 - Pages (1): [1]
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How to insert music:

Add a bit of sheet music, along with a MIDI file, simply by entering note names in Lilypond syntax between the [L] and [/L] tags.
For example, you can try what happens if you enter: [l]g'4 g'4 d''4 d''4 e''4 e''4 d''2[/l] (use the Preview function if you don't actually want to post this).
You can create these lists of note names by clicking on piano keys here.

How to post an audio recording:

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  1. Record your audio here.
  2. You should notice a 32-character hash code, something like: 2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf
  3. copy this hash code and paste it into a forum post, enclosed in the audio tags, for example: [audio]2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf[/audio]

How to mark a thread as solved:

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