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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] a Cotillion

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Jockey To The Fair

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] An Culyek Hos

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Matt Seattle: Lindisfarne

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Mowes Yseldyryow

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Jockey To The Fair. JB.67, area: Yorkshire, origin: England, source: James Biggins MS, Leeds, 1779., notes: Song,5 verses

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Cornwall's Sett. CJF.080, alternative title: Miss Ellison's. CJF.080, area: East Yorkshire, origin: England, book: Kidson Coll.Mitchell Lib.M1805, source: C.J.Fox MS, 1829/33, Beverley,E.Yorks., notes: See notes on Cornwall's Sett. CJF.079

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Prussian's Hornpipe,The.WM.012, area: Kent, origin: England, source: Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799, notes: See D.Roberts' book for full version.

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Fanny Lisp?. HSJJ.077, area: Lancashire, origin: England, history: 1823, source: HSJ Jackson,Wyresdale,Lancs.1823, notes: I wouldn't have put it as crudely as that, myself.

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0.80816666666667 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.0069444444444444 * (1-0.4) [F] Jockey To The Fair. JMT.101, area: Northumbria, origin: England, source: J.Moore,Tyneside,1841.(71a)

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