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0.001200525229788 = Rh. 0.0030013130744701 * 0.4 + P. 0 * (1-0.4) [C] Bach, Johann Sebastian: Clavier concerto in Gmi, 1st movement BWV1058

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0.85104779756326 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.078412995938769 * (1-0.4) [C] Brahms, Johannes: string quartet No. 3 in Bb op. 67, 2nd movement, 2nd theme

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0.85414058106842 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.083567635114027 * (1-0.4) [C] Chopin, Frédéric: mazurka No. 25 op. 33/4

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0.85414058106842 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.083567635114027 * (1-0.4) [C] Prokofiev, Sergei: violin concerto No. 1 op. 19, 1st movement

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0.85414058106842 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.083567635114027 * (1-0.4) [C] Scarlatti, Domenico: Sonate in a K 149
L 93

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0.860419868791 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.094033114651671 * (1-0.4) [F] The Bird in the Bush, area: Ireland, discography: Oisin: Over the Moor to Maggie.

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0.86669915651359 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.10449859418932 * (1-0.4) [F] the Celebrated Quadrille

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0.8728847235239 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.11480787253983 * (1-0.4) [C] Humperdinck, Engelbert: Hänsel & Gretel Act III: gingerbread waltz

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0.8728847235239 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.11480787253983 * (1-0.4) [F] Andy Hornby: the Castle O'Trim, area: Lancaster, origin: England, notes: Dec '96

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0.8728847235239 = Rh. 2.01 * 0.4 + P. 0.11480787253983 * (1-0.4) [F] Hora Nirkoda, origin: Israel

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