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Searched Musipedia for:
Melodic contour (Parsons code): RUDUDDDUURRRDDUUDURDDUDUDDUUD,
which can be visualized as follows:
    *   *                                                  
   / \ / \                                                 
*-*   *   *       *-*-*-*       *   *-*                    
           \     /       \     / \ /   \                   
            *   *         *   *   *     *   *   *       *  
             \ /           \ /           \ / \ / \     / \ 
              *             *             *   *   *   *   *
                                                   \ /     

No matches found. Maybe check your query.
If it was a text query, please take into account that word endings matter (singular/plural etc.), and that only entries with all search terms are found.

Did you notice a missing melody that should be in this database? Please add it!

Melodic Contour
(Parsons Code):

Keywords and/or
"search phrases": help 

Restrict the search to these categories:
Classical - 11446 melodies
Popular - 2457 melodies
Folk Songs - 17085 melodies
Hymns & Carols - 142 melodies
National Anthems - 121 melodies

Immediate Prospect Immediate Unity