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Special forum features: inserting music notation, posting audio recordings.

Total Posts: 7 - Pages (1): [1]
Author: makemusic
Posted: Sep 27 2018 - 01:24 PM
Subject: re: Audio Files
When uploading a WAV file, you aim to increase the quality of your tune for your audience. This would normally work, but SoundCloud – in an attempt to save bandwidth – transcodes your WAV file into a smaller, more compressed format. ... Please be aware that we transcode all tracks to 128kbps mp3 for streaming playback
Author: makemusic
Posted: Sep 27 2018 - 01:21 PM
Subject: re: re: Audio Files
No i do not understand
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Mar 23 2011 - 09:52 AM
Subject: re: re: Audio Files
yoozernaym wrote:
Thanks for your help, although my clip seems to fit thee criteria, and it was only about 5 seconds long!
I guess I'll try again later.

By the way I have another query in the melody forum called "Unknown piano piece" I wonder if you could check and see if you know what song it is? thank you

Could you maybe e-mail me your file so I can better see what the problem is? you can send it to yoozernaym dot rainer at safersignup dot com.
Author: yoozernaym
Posted: Mar 23 2011 - 01:24 AM
Subject: re: Audio Files
Thanks for your help, although my clip seems to fit thee criteria, and it was only about 5 seconds long!
I guess I'll try again later.

By the way I have another query in the melody forum called "Unknown piano piece" I wonder if you could check and see if you know what song it is? thank you
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Mar 22 2011 - 11:13 PM
Subject: re: Audio Files
Hi, I checked the settings. Here they are:

Allowed file name extensions:

Maximum file size: 2 MB

allowed MIME types: audio/mpeg,audio/mid,audio/x-wav,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/bmp,image/png

Did your file fit these criteria?
user picture Author: rt
Posted: Mar 22 2011 - 11:03 PM
Subject: re: Audio Files
let me check the settings... maybe the extension is not allowed, or the maximum allowed size is too small. I'll try to adjust these configuration settings to reasonable values.
Author: yoozernaym
Posted: Mar 22 2011 - 10:53 PM
Subject: Audio Files
I'm trying to identify a song by uploading a bit of audio but it says im not allowed attach mps or wav files. What format am I supposed to use?
Total Posts: 7 - Pages (1): [1]
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How to insert music:

Add a bit of sheet music, along with a MIDI file, simply by entering note names in Lilypond syntax between the [L] and [/L] tags.
For example, you can try what happens if you enter: [l]g'4 g'4 d''4 d''4 e''4 e''4 d''2[/l] (use the Preview function if you don't actually want to post this).
You can create these lists of note names by clicking on piano keys here.

How to post an audio recording:

If you just want to sing, whistle, or play a melody so that other forum visitors can hear it, follow these steps:

  1. Record your audio here.
  2. You should notice a 32-character hash code, something like: 2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf
  3. copy this hash code and paste it into a forum post, enclosed in the audio tags, for example: [audio]2a40281c5001c5a7d8c9f57fcdeccfaf[/audio]

How to mark a thread as solved:

If the original question in a thread is solved, please mark it as solved using the "solved" icon (or by just typing [solved] into your post). This makes life easier for people who are willing to identify melodies, since unsolved problems are easier to spot that way. If a problem turns out to not be solved after all, just write [/solved] in a new post, and the thread will be labeled accordingly.

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