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All Categories > Name that Tune! > Melody forum > Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Total Posts: 5 - Pages (1): [1]
Author: rich
Posted: Sep 18 2007 - 07:07 AM
Subject: re: Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Are you certain it was Paul Mauriat? I have an LP by French film composer Francis Lai called "The Man and His Music." This one features two women by a window on the FRONT cover, but only one on the back. (Actually, it's the same photo, but on the back, one of the women is blocked out by liner notes.) The photo is shot through a pink filter. It's a UK release from 1975, so perhaps it is too recent to be the LP you remember; I was just struck by the similarity between this LP cover and the one you describe. I'm attaching a rather dark reproduction of this LP cover.

Mauriat's "Love is Blue" originally appeared on the LP "Blooming Hits." The cover of that LP is nothing like you described, but I pretty much went steady with this LP cover for a year or two. You can see it here:

Is there any way to hear a bit of the melody you remember, even if it's only you humming?
Author: w0lfie
Posted: May 10 2007 - 07:13 PM
Subject: re: Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
You don't have to be able to tell a half note from a whole rest around here. That's the nice thing about this site. There are three layman options in the links above.
1) try to enter the "Parson's code" in the contour search. That's just whether or not the pitch goes up or down or gets repeated. so Mary had a Little Lamb would be * dduurrdrru etc.
2) try the rhythm search, where you just tap the keyboard in time with the melody.
3) if you have a mic, you can do the whistle/hum option.
Author: threedee07
Posted: May 10 2007 - 04:25 PM
Subject: re: re: Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Thanks, Terminalfrost.

I did search for Paul Mauriat albums online but for some reason have not found the particular one I am looking for. It's possible I've mixed up the information as I've last seen it since I was around 6 or 7, though my memory of it feels quite strong and positive.

Love is Blue sounds familiar, both in tune and in title. We had a couple of Paul Mauriat albums so I'm not sure if it had been in that same album.
Author: terminalfrost
Posted: May 10 2007 - 04:04 PM
Subject: re: Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
We had a few of Paul Mauriat albums and the one song I remember was "Love is Blue". If you go to, you can see some of his albums.
Author: threedee07
Posted: May 10 2007 - 08:08 AM
Subject: Song done by Paul Mauriat and His Orchestra
Hi all,

Glad to have found this forum. I think it's a great idea.

I've been trying to find someone who could name this instrumental song which I believe was in one of my Mom's Paul Mauriat LP. I was still a kid back then and all I could remember aside from the tune was the artwork on the album. It had like a lovely woman standing by a window, looking out with her back towards the viewer. On the back of the album were 2 ladies, one was sitting and the other was standing right beside her. I seem to remember them being surrounded with flowers. The predominant color was pink.

The song has a French flavor to it, and I don't think it's classical though I may be mistaken. I should have paid much more attention in my music subject in school cause I would have wanted to use notes, but I couldnt even remember what a half note nor a quarter note looks like. I know my description above isnt much to go by, but I'm still hoping someone could shed a bit more insight on my elusive tune.

Thanks for taking the time.
Total Posts: 5 - Pages (1): [1]
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